2021/22 Competition Season Is Closing In
Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:00
Hi All,
This is just a quick shout out, if you are keen or know someone who is to play senior competition tennis in 2021/22, please contact the MGTC committee by the end of October.
Again, we will be looking at fielding an excess of people to field two teams in the Eaglehawk and District Tennis Association competition. This will enable players to choose when they are available rather than providing a full-time commitment, off course if you wish to play each week that will be accommodated. Just a reminder that in is 3 sets of doubles/mixed tennis.
Off course, if you have a junior who is keen to play in the Bendigo Tennis Association, please contact the committee or Brandt from Giant Tennis. It is likely that senior and junior competitions will start sometime in November, State Government depending.