
Book A Court is Live! New Court Access Arrangements


The following email was sent to members on 13 December 2022.


Dear Members,

As previously advised, we have been working towards installing the Tennis Australia Book A Court system at our facility. Please read the information below as this will require a change in the way we access our facility.

From tomorrow, the Book A Court system will be fully operational and you must book online and access the venue using the PIN provided at the time of booking. The temporary access code previously supplied is no longer active. The gate fobs issued to members in the past will also be deactivated such that it will only be possible to access our courts by using Book A Court.

The Book A Court keypad is now in place and is located at the front entrance gate, which is next to the clubhouse as you walk from the carpark towards Court 1.

Your access PIN will only work during times you have a valid booking so it is important that you book online every time. Bookings should be made at least 30 minutes in advance. Even if the gate is already open, you should enter this PIN to commence your booking, which controls lighting etc. All members that have registered online with Maccabi Tennis Club will be recognised accordingly and this ensures that you receive discounted member pricing. As previously advised, there is no charge for members to hire the courts except for during peak times (i.e. which will typically be when lights are likely to be required). 

You will receive a renewal notice very shortly to register as a member of Maccabi Tennis Club in 2023. Discounted member pricing will only apply for members that have registered and paid for the current year.

Lighting is now automated through Book A Court and the coin box light meters have also been decommissioned.

Please refer to this summary for further explanation on how the Book A Court system works or the Tennis Australia website.

If you have any queries, please email or contact the Customer Support Team at Tennis Australia on 1800 752 983.

We realise that there may be some teething issues at the beginning as everyone adjusts to booking online before playing and attending the courts but we are confident that this new system will provide benefits for members and for our Club.


Maccabi Tennis Club