
Membership is now due and payable for the 2024 calendar year for all Maccabi Tennis Club members.


Maccabi Tennis Club offers three types of membership:

  1.  Junior/Student Competition Membership  $325
  2. Adult Competition Membership  $425
  3. Family Membership $825


Alternatively, you can choose to purchase an Annual Court Access Pass

This annual subscription provides unlimited access during the day/non-peak times and discounted pricing during night/peak times (i.e. when lights are likely to be required).

Annual Court Access Pass does not include membership voting rights or the ability to play in competitions at Maccabi Tennis Club.


All memberships/subscriptions include:

  • Tennis Victoria Accident Insurance Cover
  • Maccabi Victoria Affiliation Fees
  • Unlimited access during non-peak/daylight times
  • Discounted pricing during night/peak times (i.e. when lights are likely to be required).

Competition memberships include:

  • Weekly competition
  • Club shirt
  • Tennis balls for home matches
  • Catering for home matches


All Members, as a condition of membership, must agree to abiding by the Maccabi Tennis Club Code of Conduct.  Click here to read the Code of Conduct. Players that purchase an Annual Court Access Pass are also required to confirm their acceptance of the Code of Conduct.


Adult Competition Member 2024

1/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

This membership is for adult competition players.

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Annual Court Access Pass

12 months membership

This subscription provides prepaid access during non-peak times. This subscription does not include voting rights or the ability to play in competitions.

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Family Membership 2024

1/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

This membership is a discounted package available to members of the same immediate family with one or two adults and any number of their children who would normally qualify for junior or student membership.

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Junior/Student Competition Member 2024

1/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

This membership is for competition players that are aged 18 or below or studying. Note: If purchasing on behalf of your child, you will first need to create an account for yourself to manage your child's account.

Join now

New Competition Player 2024

31/05/2024 - 31/12/2024

This membership is for new players that join in the second half of the calendar year

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