
2023 Club Championships

The Liston Tennis Club held their 2023 Club Championships on Saturday the 16 September. 

We had a great turn out and Melbourne turned on some perfect weather.

A Club Championship is the perfect time for everyone to come together, get out on the court, hone your skills and meet a few of your fellow club members. We had some great hospitality on offer with a sausage sizzle in the morning and grazing table and bar service in the afternoon. 

A big thank you to our hard working Committee in particular Robin Fernandes who coordinated the day. 

There was some fierce, but friendly competition throughout the day and our 2023 Liston Club Champions are - 
🎾 Junior Boys Singles - Ben Littooij 
🎾 Men's Singles - Tory Dickson 
🎾 Men's Doubles - Ben Britton & Houn Russell 

Congratulations to all that participated and we are looking forward to next year!