
Courts Now Open - Members and Non-Members

We are pleased to announce that due to the easing of restrictions announcement on 23rd November, all courts at the Keysborough Tennis Club are now open.

Booking Restrictions

Member privileges will now be reinstated.  Members can book 2 time slots of up to 2 hours per day.  Bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance.  Members will have access to all courts but have exclusive access to Courts 1 - 3 whilst non-members will only be able to book Courts 4 - 8.

Face Masks

Face masks are no longer required but must be carried at all times and wear a face mask for situations when you cannot physically distance yourself from others (1.5 meters apart)

Other Requirements to Ensure the Club remains open

Please stay at home if you are sick or unwell or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

No handshakes or high fives, try tapping racquets instead.

Do not share equipment or water bottles.  Drinking fountains will remain CLOSED.

Seating will also not be available for use.

Do not have off-court gatherings at the tennis club.

Bring your own hand sanitiser and use a glove or plastic bag to enter your PIN at the gate.

Competition and Coaching

Senior & Junior Competition will be proceeding.  Please note that all courts are unavailable for bookings from 9.00am to 6.00 pm on Saturdays.

 Coaching will continue to operate.  Please contact Lisa Fitzgerald regarding queries about coaching.  

 Physical Distancing and Facilities

Everyone in the facility must practice physical distancing at all times by being 1.5 metres apart from one another.  

 Toilet facilities and the clubhouse will NOT be open except for official use under committee or coaching personnel authority.  Toilet facilities are available on the reserve, if required.  

 Record Keeping

We ask ALL players to use their phone camera to scan the QR code at the entrance of the gate and fill in details as prompted by the app, for record keeping and contact tracing purposes if required.


ALL bookings must list ALL the players in attendance at the courts.  When making your booking, please click the Add Player button to list the full names of the players who will be playing with you.

Social distancing must be applied. 

Bring your own tennis equipment, sanitizer and drink.  Bring a glove or plastic bag to protect your hands when using the Pin Pad at the gate for entry or any other surfaces. No food or drink should be shared, and drinking taps have been closed.

DO NOT leave the gate open.  DO NOT open the gate for others.

There is no access permitted to any club buildings (clubhouse, storerooms, toilets). Please use Council toilets outside courts.

Get In - Play - Get Out.

 We thank you for your cooperation and patience.