Register Now for Summer Tennis!
Sun, 14 Aug 2022 00:00
The Summer season is fast approaching. It's time to get in touch with your club to register to play summer tennis.
Senior Coordinators should have already sent out information to senior players about the changes to the traditional format this season. Team nominations to the HTA will close in a few weeks, so clubs are excitedly putting their teams together right now!
Make sure you don't miss out - get in touch with your club to find out what's on offer.
Season dates:
Senior Traditional - 8 Oct - 17 Dec; 21 Jan - 25 Feb; Finals 4, 18, 25 March (no play on 11 March)
Senior Doubles - 15 Oct - 17 Dec; 21 Jan - 4 Mar; Finals 18, 25 March (no play on 11 March)
Juniors - 21/22 Oct - 17 Dec; 27/28 Jan - 3/4 Mar; Finals 17/18, 24/25 March (no play on 10/11 March)
Midweek Tennis (Tuesdays) - 18 Oct-13 Dec; 17 Jan-28 Mar; 4 April combined morning
Night Tennis - Spring 4/5 Oct-8/9 Dec; Finals 14/15 Dec