2024 Annual General Meeting

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The Club's 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at the Club on Thirsday August 1, at 6.30 pm.

This is an important meeting, where we reflect on our achievements for the past year, present annual reports, and plan for the future.

Significantly, we also elect our Club office bearers and operating committe for the coming year. It is important that we find enough people with interest in the future of the Club to nominate for the vacant positions.

Positions available are: President, Vice president, Treasurer, Secretary and Club captain. 

Other general committee roles which are just as necessary are Assistant Treasurer (Daily Bookkeeping), Social Tennis Captain, Junior Coordinator, Social Events Coordinator, Media and Communications Coordinator, Supplies Coordinator, Maintenance Coordinator, Sponsorship and Grants Coordinator.

Please consider your availiability and willingness to contribute, and think about nominating today. Fill out the nomination form below, and forward to glenorchytennis22@gmail.com:

 Nomination form