Membership is for 12 months from the date of joining. Terms and Conditions apply.
- Members can book courts online free of charge during daylight hours - providing a court is available.
- A small fee is charged for organised social tennis, social functions, and for use of the court lights.
- Members can join a team to compete in inter-club pennant matches.
- Each member receives a monthly newsletter detailing upcoming tournaments, social events and other information for club members.
- Personal Accident Insurance is included in membership.
- Juniors can redeem 'Ticket to Play' vouchers with our club, to claim our 'Junior & Coaching $200 Membership'. This includes $50 junior membership & $150 worth of coaching. Please contact email address below for more information.
- Seniors can redeem 'Ticket to Wellbeing' vouchers with our club. Adults can redeem our 'Adult & Social Tennis $200 Membership'. This includes $160 adult membership & $40 voucher towards social tennis. Please contact email address below for more information.
View our Club's constitution (amended 2019)
For all enquiries, please email:
Adult Membership
12 months membership
Adult playing members
Eligibility: Adult playing members
Couples Membership
12 months membership
Eligibility: Two adult players who reside at the same address
Up to 2 members
Family Membership
12 months membership
Family membership
Eligibility: Family can consist of up to 2 adults and up to 2 children in same immediate family
Up to 4 members
Junior Membership
12 months membership
Junior players under 18yo
Eligibility: Juniors under 18 years
Student Membership
12 months membership
Student membership
Eligibility: Available only to full time students over 18yo at a tertiary institution - Current student card or similar will be required, as evidence of enrolment