Victoria has reached the 90% double dose milestone! Thank you to the tennis community that have played their part to help reach this milestone. The Directions from State Government are available on the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website. Our interpretation of the many Directions for tennis are below.
Unstaffed outdoor tennis court venues, can open for everyone:
- Vaccination status is not required to be confirmed
- Venues should ensure that there is appropriate signage for patrons to Check-in A COVID Check-in Marshal is not required.
Staffed venues including indoor centres, or staffed outdoor courts, if they are only open for community sport activity: - Vaccination status is not required to be confirmed
- Venues should ensure that there is appropriate signage for patrons to Check-in
- A COVID Check-in Marshal is required t confirm people Check-in only however they do not need to check vaccination status
- If you are opening any premises (indoor - including clubhouses - or outdoor) for purposes other than community sport activities such as food and beverage, retail, events or social functions, gym and club committee meetings;
- All patrons will need to be fully vaccinated
- A COVID Check-in Marshal must verify vaccination status.
- Toilets can be open for everyone.
- Spectators are permitted.
- Shared equipment must be cleaned between users.
- At their discretion, some clubs may wish to introduce measures beyond the above guidelines. Tennis Victoria recognises and supports the ability of clubs to do so.
- All venues / clubs should maintain up to date and accessible COVID Safe plans.
- In addition to the above relating to premises, there is a requirement for employers to ensure all staff working at or in relation to a facility used for sport are either fully vaccinated or partially vaccinated (second dose due before 26 November 2021) as per the COVID-19 Vaccination Workers Directions. This requirement supplements employers' health and safety obligations and could apply to paid coaching staff and paid administrators.
- Shared equipment must be cleaned between users.
- All businesses are required to have up to date and accessible COVID Safe plans.
- Where vaccination status requirements apply, these relate to individuals aged 12 years and 2 months and over.
- Everyone attending a tennis club must continue to Check-in.
- Shared equipment must be cleaned between users.
- Players are encouraged to practice the COVID Safe principles including maintaining full vaccination status.
- Tennis Victoria has decided for any Tournaments and Events that we deliver or sanction that all patrons must be fully vaccinated (including participants, spectators, officials and staff). Given the nature of these events we have made this decision in alignment with the Victorian Government Event Settings to protect the health and safety of all those in attendance.
Thank you for all that you continue to do to provide tennis playing opportunities for our local communities.
Please reach out to the Tennis Victoria team and check out the Tennis Victoria COVID Toolkit for support during this time.
We will continue to keep you updated and you can view this update and all future updates on the Tennis Victoria website.
Kind regards
Tennis Victoria & Tennis Australia Coach Membership