








Student (full time enrolled)




Junior (under 18 on 1st June




Family (2 adults and any junior or student children)




Non- Playing




The Clubs year runs from July 01 to June 30

Subs are payable on a pro-rata basis from September at $15.00 per month for Adults, $7.50 per month for FT Students, $5.00 per month for Juniors, and $30 per month for Families for the months remaining to year-end. 


Application Forms for Membership are available here and at the Clubhouse (or send us an email) and require a Nominator & a Seconder. New Members are accepted at the General Committee meetings USUALLY held every Month.

Prior to Membership visitors are welcome to join Club Members for social tennis. Visitor fees are $5 per session, or an option to purchase a 0 visist card for $30.00 is also available.