Dear Patrons,
The Club is currently open since Lockdown 5.0 to all members that are financial and those receiving coaching services from WEARETENNIS. Please maintain social distancing and other COVID practices as recommended by the government authorities. Membership renewal is now overdue for 2021-22 and the key codes for the gate will change over the next few weeks. Renewal can be accessed depending on the packages through the website on the Membership tab or clicking on the link:
For those who are members and wish to use the lights after sundown, they can be used informing the coaching staff and at a minimal charge of $10 per hour to be collected by them. Social tennis for all abilities is on Wednesday evenigs from 6:30pm onwards. Social membership is available at $50 anually and can be accessed via the website.
Welcome letters will be sent out to all renewed members along with the revised Gate code. This code is to be used by the member not to be shared with anyone not belonging to FGTC.
On a more social note, the Club premises and its facilities are available to Members and their family for Social Events like Birthdays, Anniversaries etc. Kindly contact the Secretary for further information and regulations. The cost involved will be $75 per event.
The vending machine is up and running and great tasting coffee, hot chocolate and other goodies can be had at affordable prices.
All other enquiries can be made by contacting us by email. If it is urgent call us and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Best regards,
FGTC, Executive.