Grand opening of the club house a huge success
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 00:00
The official opening of the new clubhouse was an outstanding success! Thank you to the many volunteers who helped organise the event.
The opening was attended by past and present members. The Mayor of Bathurst, Robert Taylor and Deputy Premier and local member Paul Toole, MP also attended as part of the official delegation. Club president Kurt Booth welcomed visitors; and junior club member Maddi Honeyman conducted the welcome to country. Outgoing club president Jason Honeyman spoke on behalf of the club.
Club coach, Rod Schumacher spoke about the junior program while some of the juniors displayed their talent.
Junior member Jeorge Collins served some bullets to Paul Toole who managed to hit one return directly into the new clubhouse.!!!
The morning tea was a huge hit and players enjoyed the afternoon of tennis that followed the opening.
Photo L to R - Kurt Booth, Club President; Jason Honeyman immediate past President; Paul Toole MP and Robert Taylor Mayor.