
Annual Turf Maintenance & Care

And just like that....

Our fantastic lawn tennis courts are vertimowed and sanded as part of our annual lawn surface maintenance program 🌱🌱🌱🎾🎾

This ensures they are ready to RocknRoll again in September🙌💟🎾

Thank you to our President Howie Ward for organising along with Matty Dare for spreading the sand, carted by Shane Edwards, with Bobcat use via Shane Hall and leveled by the talented Howie on the motorbike...🙌💟🎾🎾

It takes a huge community volunteer effort to maintain our courts and clubhouse and we thank everyone involved x

Dumbleyung Tennis Club


On a personal note: my heart has now started the grieving process of missing my lawn courts 😪😪🤣🤣💟

I cant wait for September!!