

Book A Court - Email #1

We have rapidly grown as a tennis club, in our wonderful new premises. With increased membership, comes increased court usage, and we've heard that there is uncertainty about when courts are available for use.

We are pleased to advise, that from Monday the 12th of August, courts can be booked from our web-site,

The benefits to our members will be significant:

  • you will be able to play tennis at a scheduled time with certainty
  • you will know when the courts are available
  • only members can book courts

To be able to book, you will need to be a member of Chadstone Tennis Club, and registered with ClubSpark. Whilst this is relatively straightforward, and you may have already registered when you joined as a member, if you have any problems, please contact Robert Datson at

At this stage, as we get used to the new booking system, there will be no fees for lights or visitors, although all visitors must be accompanied by a member. We expect to change this policy in the future - with fees for lights and visitors.

Upon arrival, if the courts are locked, the key is stored in the lockbox attached to the fence adjacent to Court 1. The lockbox code is 1958#. Please return the key to the lockbox after unlocking the courts. Please lock the courts if you are the last to leave. In due course, this process will be replaced with 'Book A Court' locks on the court gates.

If the courts are occupied by the previous booking, please be courteous, and wait for their current game to complete, before advising them of your booking. 

Note that they may be unaware of the new booking system, and between the 12th to the 26th August, there will be 2 courts reserved for members without bookings. Please suggest to them that they may use these courts.

If your plans to play change, please cancel your booking, so that other members may use the courts. 

Any enquiries about how to use the new court booking system, please contact Robert Datson at

We'll be sending out further details over the next few days.