

Gettiing Ready for Book A Court

If you didn’t see the previous email, we are pleased to advise that on Monday the 12th of August, you will be able to book courts at Chadstone.

We are implementing Book A Court, to achieve the following benefits:

  • members will be able to play tennis at a scheduled time with certainty
  • members will know when the courts are available
  • only members can book courts

To be able to book, you will need to be a member of Chadstone Tennis Club, and registered with ClubSpark. What do we mean by this?

When you go to the Club website, at, you will see at the top right, an option to Sign in or Register:



If you need to register, a pop up window will open asking you the method you want to use to create an account. You’ll have the option between:

  1. Using your email address and a password (left side of the pop up window)
  2. Using your Facebook credentials
  3. Using your Google account

We recommend you check that you have this access set up - because without it - you won’t be able to book a court.

We’ll send out some further instructions on Sunday.

If you have any enquiries about how to use the new court booking system, please contact Robert Datson at