

Book A Court - Live on 12 August

On Monday 12th August, we go live with Book A Court. It’s exciting because:

  • members will be able to play tennis at a scheduled time with certainty
  • members will know when the courts are available
  • only members can book courts

By now, hopefully you have checked that you can log into our club website, at , and hence can book a court.

Some further details on how Book A Court works. 

  • You will see a tab at the top of the website, called Booking
  • You will be presented with a view of the 7 courts and an ability to navigate from day to day
  • You can select the day, the time and the court you wish to book
  • You will be able to select days for the coming fortnight
  • You will be able to book a session for 1 hour, once per day (if you would like a longer session, then the member you are playing with may book an adjacent session)
  • You have the opportunity to add the other players to your booking - we encourage you to do this

Whilst we expect Book A Court to work just fine, please remember

  • If the courts are occupied by the previous booking, please be courteous, and wait for their current game to complete, before advising them of your booking. 
  • Note that some members may be unaware of the new booking system, and between the 12th to the 26th August, there will be 2 courts reserved for members without bookings. Please suggest to them that they may use these courts.
  • If your plans to play change, please cancel your booking, so that other members may use the courts.

You can check back on our web-site for these emails about Book A Court.

If you have any enquiries about how to use the new court booking system, please contact Robert Datson at