
2021-22 Membership Fees Now Due

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The club’s 2021-22 membership year approaches on 1 October, and membership renewal notices will shortly be issued. As you know, due to limited play as a result of COVID, we have not charged membership fees to existing members since October 2019, with new members having the benefit of a low pro rata fee based on the extended 24 month membership period. In addition, membership fees have not been increased for several years. At the club’s recent AGM, the following fees were endorsed, with a slight  increase on the Junior and Senior memberships and no change to the Family membership:

Senior - $100

Junior - $80

Family - $250

Renewal notices will be sent via email and we would ask that you to renew by logging into the club’s  website through the ClubSpark system using the link in the email.

Our fees remain some of the most competitive in the State, and whilst we appreciate that there are still restrictions in place, we would encourage everyone who is planning to play this year to renew their memberships as they become due, as this will really help the Club continue to maintain our facilities and plan for the future with initiatives such as the new courts.