Issue 29: December 2021
Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:00

Bright Tennis News
Tuesday Night
With David Chlebna conceding only one single solitary game the entire night it would have been miraculous for
Russell Shems team to have won. Shemies team did however manage to win all the other sets not involving David, only to lose the night on game count 29 to 19.
Premiers: David Chlebna, Dene Freeland (Sub)
Caroline Michie and David Mclean
Second: James Trimble, Russell Shem, Heike Flekenstein
and Stuart Robinson
Wednesday Night
Ovens (Josephs team) defeated Baker in an extremely close match, 3 sets all 31 games to 28 games. Wow what a close one!
Premiers: Joseph Paterson, Sera Paterson, Bailey Jennings-Allen, Ben Redfern
Second: Angus Murrells (Sub), Bruno Souza (Sub), Adrian Grech, Cathy Lennon
Upcoming Dates
Holiday Social Tennis Every Tuesday night through January (4, 11, 18 25)
Summer / Autumn pennant grading night Tue/Wed 1st /2nd Feb 2022
Summer / Autumn competition start Tue/Wed 8th/9th Feb 2022
Saturday Junior Tennis start Saturday 4th Feb 2022
Group Coaching start Monday 7th Feb 2022
Tennis Coaching Available by arrangement Contact Geoff Hollow 0418269249
Bright Tennis Club
General Committee 2021/2022
President: Tracy Carey
Treasurer: Jody Vlahandreas
Secretary : Adrian Ciolli
Vice President: Mick Crocker
Memberships: David Chlebna
Members: Bruno Souza,
Craig Thompson , Michelle Yarwood
Geoff Hollow, Dene Freeland
Games Day at Saturday Morning Juniors Coaching
Games day on the last Saturday morning coaching session of the year with Geoff Hollow.
A great innovation for the kids, a lot more games next season!
BTC Gets an Website Upgrade and a new Facebook Page
Thanks to new member Bruno Souza, BTC now has an improved website and a brand new Facebook page which can be used when looking for a sub during the season. Handy to have members with skills!
Thanks For the Mini– Court Facelift
Many thanks to Geoff Hollow, Michelle Harwood and Bruno Souza in putting in some hours cleaning up the mini courts.
Weird Tennis Rules and Facts
1. When serving, you can stand anywhere (behind the service line) from the center line to the inside
tramlines in singles, or to the outside side lines in doubles. However, once you have served your first serve from one position, you must serve your second serve from roughly the same position.
2. String Dampeners are only allowed to be positioned underneath the first cross string at the bottom of the string bed or above the top cross string at the top of the string bed.
3. If a ball hits or is caught by a person during a point then that point is awarded to the opposing team, regardless of where the person who was hit or caught the ball was standing at the time.
4. The “Deuce” score is thought to come from French, meaning “ Two”, as in two points to end the game.
5. Tennis courts were originally hourglass shaped.
6. Old fashioned gut strings had a tendency to wear mainly on one side of the racquet face. Therefore when calling for who serves first players often used to call “rough” or “smooth” when the racquet was spun.
New Bright Tennis Club Social Event This January
If you can spare the time it would be great to see some members support this terrific social event during the holidays. This event is open to all people, junior and adult, of all skill levels. Please come and welcome in some visitors and locals to the Bright Tennis Club. Thank you to Tracy for organizing /disseminating this brochure, and thank you to Bruno Souzas brother for creating it.
Tuesday night 7:00 January (4, 11, 18, 25)
Tennis Australia “Kids on Court” days at the 2022 Australian Open are back!!
10 lucky kids from Bright will be invited to attend. Kick off the morning with plenty of outdoor activities such as ANZ Tennis Hot Shots, face painting, waterpark activities and stage shows! To be eligible you must not have attended previously, be a current member and be able to rally in pairs. If your child is interested in at-tending please contact Tracy Carey for further info at
The Australian Open 2022
The Australian Open will take place 17th—30th January 2022.
This will be the 110th Australian Open. You can purchase tickets at ticketmaster
This AO has been hit by injuries and covid. Whilst Ash Barty is a great attraction, Roger Federer (knee surgery), Serena Williams (torn hamstring)are out. Novac Djocovic looks like he is controversially getting a covid vaccination exemption , Rafael Nadal (covid) Olympic gold medalist Belinda Bencic(covid), Dominic Thiem (wrist surgery), are all doubtful.
Because of the pandemic, there is no qualifying tournament this year. Andy Murry (who may be playing his last tournament), Venus Williams and Jo Wilfred Tsonga all need wildcard approval to play.
End of the road for Davis Cup?
In 2018 the ITF sold the rights to run the Davis Cup to the Kosmos soccer marketing group. Davis Cup has since been changed to a World cup type event, staged in Italy and Spain, , best of 3 sets, no reverse singles.
There is now speculation that the Kosmos group is about to do a very lucrative deal to hold all Davis Cup finals in Abu Dhabi for the next five years. Hewitt, who was part of two Davis Cup-winning Australian teams in 1999 and 2003, said any such move would be “selling the soul of the Davis Cup. This is a wonderful stadium here, but no crowd to watch, it’s not what Davis Cup is about.”
Barty and Alcott awarded Newcombe Medal.
For the second time in the award’s history, there are joint winners of the coveted Newcombe Medal. Dylan Alcott was recognised for becoming the first male player to win a Golden Slam (claiming all four Grand Slam singles titles, plus a Paralympic gold medal, in the same calendar year), while Ash Barty was honoured for winning five titles in a stellar 2021 season, including becoming the third Australian to claim a ladies’ singles title at Wimbledon. It is the second time Alcott has won the prestigious award, matching his 2016 effort, while it is a record-making fourth Newcombe Medal for Barty.
Presidents Report – Bright Tennis Club
Annual General Meeting – 6.45pm, 9th November 2021 outside the Clubrooms
Welcome to the 2020/2021 Bright Tennis Club AGM. Membership increased during 2021 with a total of 200 members at the end of October 2021. This was comprised of 32 Family Memberships, 58 Adult members and 11 Junior Members. Membership fees are the Club’s main income, comprising 61.6% of the club’s income at $12,146 and is an increase of 20% on 2020. This was somewhat assisted by the pandemic with tennis being one of the few sports that could continue when others could not. The challenge now is to retain these members going forward. This income was supplemented by a $1000 Covid Top up Grant and $489 court hire fees through the Visitor Information Centre (VIC). It is noted that court hire has dropped significantly due to the pandemic and we hope to see this number increase during 2022.
1. 166 Members in 2020, 137 Members 2019, 127 Members 2018, 124 members in 2017, 126 Members in 2016
2. 23 Family Memberships in 2020, 17 in 2019
3. $10,117 in 2020, $8389 in 2019, $7726 in 2018, $9016 in 2017, $8235 in 2016
4. $642 Court Hire in 2020, $2404 in 2019
Tuesday & Wednesday Night Pennant
It has been great to see a strong Tuesday Night Pennant competition in the last 12 months fielding 8 teams of 4 in our Spring/Summer Competition and 5 teams in the Summer/Autumn competition. Thanks to the efforts of Heather Thompson and Peter Dixon the Wednesday Night competition has shown strong numbers with 6 teams of 4 in the Spring/Summer and Summer/Autumn Pennant competition.
Covid -19 Pandemic
Although the Pandemic continued during 2020/2021 we were fortunate enough to still be able to run our two Pennant competitions during Summer and Autumn relatively unaffected. The Club however was in and out of lockdown three times over the winter with restrictions only eased for training purposes on the 9 September 2021, returning to full completion on 30 October 2021. Once again I would like to make special mention to Geoff Hollow during this time who ensured that the Guidelines were printed and displayed in the clubhouse and kept in line with Tennis Vic advice. Who would have ever thought a year ago that our club would have a QR code!
Monday Social Tennis
Continues every Monday morning from 9.00am in the warmer months and from 1pm in the cooler months. Thanks to Bev Schwarz & Bev Giraud for coordinating.
Club Championships
Club Championships for Jnr & Snr Players were back on for 2020/2021 after a 1 year break.
Club Maintenance
Mick Crocker continues to do an amazing job on our grounds and I would like to thank him for his time. We certainly have facilities that we can be proud of. Thanks to Geoff Hollow who took on this job while Mick was ill in hospital. I urge anyone that can operate a ride on to put up your hand to help out around the club. Many hands make light work!
Junior Tennis & Skills Day
Junior tennis continues to be very active in the club with 78 Junior Members. Saturday junior tennis continues to be well supported, however we continue to lose our Juniors after about 14 -15 years of age. We are hoping that the in clusion of a number of Junior players in our Wednesday Night Pennant will assist in reducing this drift away from the sport. In March 2021 we used some of our Covid Grant money and ran a Kids Skills Day that included prizes to the AO, a members draw and games such as beat the ball machine and speed test your serve. Unfortunately due to the Pandemic there was no Hot Shorts program at the AO this year.
Club Spark
We officially transitioned to Club Spark during the first half of 2021. This is a new membership platform which the committee are all getting use to, so we appreciate your patience!
For more please download the PDF version here