Issue 28: October 2021
Fri, 01 Oct 2021 00:00

Bright Tennis News
Sunday October 31st is the 30 year anniversary of Bright Tennis Club moving from the centre of town to Pioneer Park. The photo above shows the opening day in October 1991. The club was moved during the winter of 1991 from next to the current U3A school and where the car park is in front of the crochet club.
Unfortunately due to Covid we are una-ble to have a function to celebrate, how-ever it’s good to see the photos and say thanks.
Thanks needs to go out to Arno Van Windon (then President) Ian Richardson, Ian Allen, Karl Stadleman, May Burns, Andrew Hayfield, Don Volkmer, Max Burns, Mal Ricky, Elaine Holden, Marg Wilson, Pam Burns, Dianne Davis, Kevin Mock, Tony Quirk, John Forbes and many others who pitched in to make the move happen.
The old club courts 1 & 2 were asphalt courts, In what is now a carpark in front of the Crochet Club. Courts were highly visible and popular with visitors, and bookings often came from The Mill Park owned by the Grimeses. However the many overhanging trees constantly put leaves onto the courts and room was extremely limited. The shade from trees meant a lot of mold and slime occasionally made the courts slippery.
Courts 3 & 4 were artificial grass. Again room was limited and members had to share car parks with visitors to town.
Alpine Shire offered the new site with more room and $29,000 to help with the move. The whole project (courts and Clubhouse) cost only $130,000., despite being specified to a much high-er standard than was usual in Regional Victoria. This was only achieved by recycling many bits from the old club (the roof and veranda of the old club-house is now the roof of the existing clubhouse), Light poles and lights and hot water systems were also recycled)
Above: Ian Ellan heroically wrestling with lighting wiring whilst standing in a puddle, great footwork Ian!
Despite an initial problem with levels, 45 Truck loads of cement were laid. Despite the winter being so cold and wet the concrete took all day to dry (meaning men were working late into the night) the courts were started on a Monday and by the next Saturday, 6 days later, they were ready for competition! At the time plans were in place to eventually build 12 courts.
Interestingly for drainage the courts have a specified standard 1 in 100 slope. So if you ever feel some-times you are serving downhill or uphill you are actually right!
Below: Frames were handled and put up by volun-teer club members and the roof and veranda of the old clubhouse became the new roof for the new clubhouse.
Bright - 7th November
The Sunshine Walk on Sunday, 7 November 2021 is an easy scenic 5 km walk around Brights Ovens river and the Rail Trail. It’s aim is to raise funds and awareness for the Albury Wodonga Regional Can-cer Centre Trust Fund.
The walk starts behind the Bright Brewery, will be signposted and morning tea will be provided from 10:00am till 11:30 am.
It is not competitive and is about enjoying a day out with family and friends, while supporting a great cause. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the survivors, carers and supporters of people with cancer and remember those we have lost.
Entry Cost is $10, or $20 if you would like a commemorative T Shirt. $ 50 per Family (2 adults plus 3 children – includes T shirts) or $ 20 per Family for the walk only.
PLEASE JOIN NOW at https;// under the name of BRIGHT WALKING WARRIORS.
.... Start Time …...... AS FROM 9.00 am at the Centenary Park foot bridge. (Your team can do this walk any time throughout the day)
Please contact Michelle on 0419 501 764 or email for any further information. The walk also has a facebook page Sunshine walk.
Tuesday and Wednesday night gets un-derway. Something of a great relief after a long wet and cold winter full of dreary lockdowns.
4 Training teams are happening on Tues-days & 5 teams on Wednesdays.
Wednesday is quite a family affair with 4 mother /son teams.
Tom and Sasha Russell, Bode and Nicole McCabe Tracy and Nic Cary and Kim and Angus Murrells all teaming up.
Don’t get too competitive guys, It’s only TRAINING.
Adrian Ciolli installing a new defibrillator in its cabinet.. Thanks Adrian!
Please note the following committee members have basic first aid training: Tracy Carey, Jody Vlahandreas, Mick Crocker, David Chlebna, Geoff Hollow.
A first Aid Kit is located in the club-house, near the fridge.
Current (21st Oct) Tennis Victoria Rules, (subject to change): Regional Victoria (excluding Mildura):
Training and coaching only can return for all ages. Limited to the minimum number of people required to train. Competition is not permitted. A venue cap of 20 people exists. Spectators are not permitted (excludes people necessary to facilitate the activity such as coaches, trainers, umpires, carers, parents and guardians). All tennis venues must have Service Victoria QR code check-in signage clearly displayed. Where a venue is unstaffed, check-in instructions must be clearly displayed in a prominent location to display how patrons and other visitors should record their details. Face coverings are to be worn except if a medical exception applies. They can be removed when participating.
If your at the clubhouse during the day in the near future check out the great display of Azaleas on show facing the car park. Azaleas come from Japan. They mostly bloom once a year for about two weeks. This batch was planted by former member Gwen Jameson.
Juniors are needed for ball kid duty!
Throughout the Australian Open series, each ballkid is a focal part of every game, be it at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne or at the ATP Cup or at the Hobart International.
For the Australian Open Ballkids are aged between 12 and 15 years * on 31 December 2021. For ATP Cup Sydney, Brisbane and Perth Ballkids age category is 12 to 16.
To register please go to :
One of the more obscure results of Covid is the tennis ball supply chain is apparently missing around ten million of the fifty million people that usually work in the tennis ball manufacturing sector, tennis players face long term tennis ball shortages with the days of being able to get almost any quantity of new tennis balls well and truly over, a tennis trade body chief has warned.
Jean Hepner of the USA won both the longest point and one of the longest matches in tennis history. The longest point was during first round US Open Match versus Barbie Bramlett 1984. The match included 20 match points. It was covered by press and they recorded what could be the longest point in tennis history . This point included over 600 shots and lasted 29 minutes. 29 minutes for 1 point! Later in a separate match the same Jean Hepner was also to win one of the longest matches in tennis his-tory. Versus Vikki Nelson, the two set 6/4 7/6 score was achieved after a grueling 6 hours and 30 minutes. Yes a 2 set match lasting 6 hours and 30 minutes! No Tie Breakers!
No way I’m getting on the court against Jean Hepner!
Bright Tennis Club has a new and simplified membership system called club spark which has been added to the Bright Tennis Club Website. Please be aware that ball fees and keys are addons to the basic membership.
It would be appreciated if you could please become a fully paid member as soon as possible.
Click here to go to our membership page
Juniors under 12: $40
Juniors 12—18: $45
Single Fee: $80
Family Fee: $195
Ball Fee (for those training): $21
Key Fee: $20
Dates to Remember
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 6.45pm
Tuesday Training Finishes - Tuesday 7th December 2021
Wednesday Training Finishes - Wednesday 8th December 2021
Saturday Tennis Training Finishes - Saturday 11th December
Fast 4 Tennis Training - Every Monday