Progress at the Courts

We can now see an end in sight at the Beechwood tennis courts.  The final strips of grass are being laid this week and by the end of next week it should be complete.

In order to ready the grounds and club house for Beechwood's return to tennis, we are holding a couple of working bees.  The first will be this Saturday 22nd August 9am to 1pm.  This will involve pruning, cleaning out gutters, whipper snippering and sanitizing the kitchen.  Being coronavirus smart, we also have some new posters to put up.  

We are erecting a colorbond fence where the trucks having been accessing the court out the back and we'll make a start on this in the following weeks.

The 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday 2nd September, at 7pm at the Beechwood Hotel.  Please email an RSVP to beechwoodtennis@gmail as we need to control numbers due to Coronavirus restrictions.  Also send us an email if you want to know more, or ring Tracey on 0400929480.

The 2020 Spring Comp is starting early September.  Get a team together or just sign up individually and we will find you a team.