
Intro to Tennis



Saturday Morning & Thursday Introduction to Tennis

The Introduction to Tennis (ItT) program is designed for primary school – age children who have not played Tennis before.  The children learn basic hand-eye coordination skills, movement and balance skills, how to hold a racket and hit the ball.  Most of all the children have exercise in the fresh air, have fun and, hopefully, make some new friends.

Suitable for Orange, Green and Yellow ball junior players.  Kids are welcome to come and try tennis with Jenny.

The program is run by volunteers from the Ballarat Lawn Tennis Club on the courts in Prince of Wales Park, Gillies Street from Saturday 12th October to Saturday 7th December, then returning Saturday 8th February 2025 and running until Saturday 29th March. 

2 session times :  Saturday Morning  9:30am at the club.

                          : Thursday 4.30pm at the club


Enquiries Contact Jenny Jolliffe, our junior co-ordinator on

Mobile:  0408 735 068. Email: