Tennis Victoria Community Tennis Guidelines Update
Wed, 30 Sep 2020 00:00

Forwarded below is an extract of the Tennis Victoria Community Tennis Guidelines Update released on Thursday 16 September relating to Regional Victoria:
This is a rapidly evolving situation, please refer to the Tennis Victoria website regularly for the latest recommendations and guidance on dealing with COVID-19 for tennis in Victoria. On 6 September, the Victorian State Government announced the Roadmap Regional Victoria and Metropolitan Melbourne.
Follow the COVIDSafe principles: wear a face mask/covering, don’t play if you are sick or unwell, physical social distancing 1.5m, cough or sneeze into your elbow or tissue, good hand hygiene, outdoor activities.
The directions of the Victorian Government for Regional Victoria:
- Outdoor courts may remain open for the following:
– Singles and Doubles play permitted
– Competition play can return
– Group coaching with up to 10 participants plus the coach
– A cap of 10 participants per group
ie. Up to 10 participants per court is permitted
- All indoor facilities must remain close – this includes all indoor courts and clubhouses. Toilets/changerooms may remain open if indoors
- Cafes in club houses can open subject to the Industry Restart Guidelines for Hospitality
- Tennis equipment must not be shared
- Spectators are not permitted unless supervising children or assisting players with additional needs.
- A register of participant details of those who enter the facility must be maintained. You may want to use this QR Code resource to assist with participant tracking. (Currently, this is being investigated by the Club).
- Facility users are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe app.
- Participants 12 years and older must wear a face covering, unless an exemption applies. If you are doing strenuous physical exercise you do not need to wear a face covering but you must carry one with you. Strenuous exercise can include playing tennis.
With the increase to a maximum 10 participants, it is important to note that we must continue to maintain records of all who attend the courts including of any parents/spectators on those records. Currently our Coaches are recording attendance details after each of their sessions and all others attending the courts are recorded by Nigel, after he has personally observed or has been advised.
As previously, for those wishing to play socially at All Saints you will still need to please advise Nigel Wilson (Mobile 0417 543 034) of your plans, prior to playing. As above, we are still required by the Government to keep a register or log of all who use the courts and surrounding area. Please enter the courts using the Moorak Park gate. If you have renewed your membership you will know the gate code, but if you aren’t currently financial you wil especially need to contact Nigel and work it out. Those playing socially need to provide their own personal hand sanitiser and use it frequently…..and please ensure that the gate is locked closed when you leave the courts.
We are relying on everyone working together to play their part in cleaning and sanitising.
With the expected return to Junior and Senior competition play on 24 October, there will be additional administration required on Saturdays and further information will follow regarding this.
Social play at Kenwith Park is under the same participant limits as above and you are required to exercise social distancing, along with providing your own personal hand sanitiser and using it frequently. At this stage, the Kenwith Park Club rooms will remain closed.
Please remember that we are all in this together. So…..let’s work towards keeping tennis as a safe thing to do.
If you need to contact someone from the Club, please call Nigel, Secretary Karyn on 0413 189 139 or Treasurer Colin on 0417 339 523.