Returning to Tennis

Aintree Tennis Club (ATC) is pleased to announce that we are now returning back for members play and opening Tennis courts with some restrictions due to ongoing Covid-19 considerations. Please note the following guidelines and let's make sure we all follow the rules and keep tennis operating. We need your full cooperation at this crucial time for the safety of all members:

1. Tennis Court Access

Please do not use the facilities if you cannot abide by the following rules:

  • have not been out of the country for the past 14 days.
  • are not in self-isolation and not required to do so.
  • are not displaying COVID-19 symptoms or flu-like symptoms.

In line with Government directives, the Club will record details of all members using the courts through the Noke lock application. Please ensure that you lock the courts behind you so we have a record of all members who have accessed the courts through the Noke lock application.

2. Clubhouse, Facilities and Court Protocols

  • Please follow the tennis court guidelines/ instructions as per the court usage plan/ layout and supporting signages displayed near courts gates.
  • Community public use has moved from courts 7 & 8 to Multipurpose courts near Cricket nets and hence, Members can access all eight (8) courts (Court usage plan/ layout attached herewith & also available at the Tennis court gates)
  • It is strongly recommended for members to sanitise/ wash hands before and after play.
  • Enter using the Noke Pro Application. Members details will be recorded using this app. Please ensure that you lock the padlock after entering to ensure all members details are logged.
  • Please ensure members/ players adhere to guidelines and social distancing measures.
  • No body contact, including hand shakes.
  • Players should not share drink bottles.
  • Always observe social distancing measures and refrain from off-court gatherings.
  • No spectators are to enter the courts/ facility.
  • Each player can only play a maximum of 1 hour per day, unless part of club competetions
  • For Junior plays, one non-playing supervising parent is permitted into the facility.
  • Non-Members can access 2 Multi-purpose courts only (as per the Court layout)
  • Coaching will resume, for more details please refer In2 tennis or Contact Coach Mr. Luke Hodgkin
  • Inter-club competitions are expected to start in July, so if you are interested in playing inter-club competitions please email with your details by 30/6/20.
  • Coaching and Competition activities get priority over other playing arrangements.

NOTE: Any players not following these directions will be asked to leave the Club

3. On the Court

  • Keep 1.5 meters away from other people
  • Singles and doubles are permitted
  • If a ball from another court comes across, send it back with a racquet or a kick
  • Players should leave their court and the facility immediately after their playing time has concluded
  • Players must refrain from racquets sharing, handshakes and high fives.


Any Player who experiences post-play flu, cold or cough-like symptoms must contact the Aintree Tennis Club Committee Member immediately by contacting a committee member;

  • Mr. Dinesh Batra, President on 0403621474
  • Mr. Maaz Ahsan, Vice President on 0423804087
  • Mr. Vimal Gehlot, Secretary on 0481005688
  • Mr. David Waddell, Membership Registrar on 0422667141

or alternatively email at

2020/ 2021 Membership

Membership for the 2020-21 financial year is now open. We would like to encourage all current members to renew their membership. Foundation members who are renewing their 2019/20 membership will receive a 40% discount on their 2020/21 membership if they renew before August 31st 2020. We would also like to invite potential new members to consider our club access to courts, lighting and competition play (additional fees apply for lighting and competition).

Existing Membership have been extended for three months

Thank you for your continued support & patience

Management Committee

Aintree Tennis Club