Max Bates Honored with TSA's 2023 Player Recognition Award

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Max Bates of Queensland has been celebrated with the 2023 Player Recognition Award by Tennis Seniors Australia for his extraordinary resilience and dedication to seniors tennis.

Despite facing numerous injuries and surgeries, including a reverse shoulder replacement in 2021, Max remarkably adapted to play with his non-dominant arm during his rehabilitation, eventually returning to competitive tennis. He has faced several other injuries. From a burst eyeball after being hit by a tennis ball in 1985 to shoulder surgery in 1997, requiring a year away from the game. He has also had six knee arthroscopes before bilateral knee replacements in 2007 and 2010.

Max’s journey is marked by significant achievements, including four ITF World Championship doubles titles and a World #1 ranking in his age group in doubles. Max's story, nominated by his niece Jamie Swift, is a profound testament to determination, inspiring athletes and tennis enthusiasts worldwide.

“As Max’s niece, my pride in his accomplishments knows no bounds. Witnessing the unwavering dedication he has consistently poured into his tennis journey has been truly inspiring. Max's relentless pursuit of excellence is not only commendable but serves as a beacon of determination for many, both in Australia and overseas.

While on the court, any display of emotion from Max is entirely directed towards himself, reflecting his status as his own harshest critic. His self-discipline and commitment to continuous improvement are evident, even as he grapples with the realization that the standard he once set for himself has had to change and evolve in coping with the aftermath of various injuries. Despite this challenge, Max remains a beacon of determination, inspiring others with his unmatched work ethic.

Max is not just a remarkable athlete but a living testament to the transformative power of passion and perseverance in the world of tennis. His impact extends far beyond the court, shaping the mindset and aspirations of those fortunate enough to share in his journey..”

Congratulations to Max on receiving this well-deserved honour.

We would also like to congratulate nominees Issi Aaron and Mick Bruton for their nominations in 2023.