Updated Return to Tennis Guidelines

The METC is currently operating under restricted playing opportunities based on Tennis Victoria’s ‘Return to Tennis Guidelines.’ Please visit www.tennis.com.au/vic/ for full details.

In light of the new restricted guidelines the following programs will recommence:
• Casual Court Hire (SINGLES PLAY ONLY and you don’t have to be from the same family)
• Coaching (a maximum of two people in addition to the coach)
• Social Hitting Groups (SINGLES PLAY ONLY)

The following rules have been set out by the METC Committee:
• Casual Court Hire – singles play only and players do not have to be from the same family.
• No access to the Clubhouse but the outside toilet can be utilised
• Must follow distancing of 1.5m and this includes parents/people outside the venue watching
• Emphasis on ‘playing’ and not ‘socialising’
• Must follow strict hygiene practices including hand sanitising before entering the courts and leaving the venue
• Do not attend the venue if you are unwell
• Only people allowed in the venue are those playing or who are involved in lessons
• Must register attendance using the QR Code
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our Committee on 0411416590.

We are very grateful to be allowed to continue tennis in some capacity, but we must work together and follow the rules so that we can continue to stay out on the court!