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Adult General
12 months membership
Adult General membership entitles members to play at all times, and is a required membership for adult competition.
Adult General Concession
12 months membership
Adult General membership entitles members to play at all times, and is a required membership for adult competition.
Eligibility: The concession rate applies to people who hold an Australian Government issued Pension Card or Health Care Card. Copy of concession card must be provided.
Adult Off-peak
1 month membership
Adult Off-peak entitles members to play at off-peak times (Mon-Thu, 8am-5pm, Fri all day and Sat-Sun 7-8am & 5pm onwards). Ideal for people wanting to try out the club and programs. Also, for Pickleball players.
Adult Off-peak
12 months membership
Adult Off-peak entitles members to play at off-peak times (Mon-Thu, 8am-5pm, Fri all day and Sat-Sun 7-8am & 5pm onwards)
Adult Standard
12 months membership
Standard membership entitles members to play Mon-Thu, 8am-7pm, Fri-Sun all day
Family Standard
12 months membership
Standard membership entitles members to play Mon-Thu, 8am-7pm, Fri-Sun all day. Family memberships are only for Families of 3 or more people and is limited to immediate family (spouse/partner and children). Not available for couples.
General Adult
1 month membership
Adult General membership entitles members to play with unrestricted access. This is a one month membership with access to all club organised programs. Ideal for people who want to try out the club or need a short term membership.
Student Standard
12 months membership
Student Standard membership is available to anyone with undergraduate student card under the age of 25. It entitles members to play Mon-Thu, 8am-7pm, Fri-Sun all day.