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Adult Off-peak
12 months membership
Adult Off-peak entitles members to play at off-peak times (Mon-Thu, 8am-5pm, Fri all day and Sat-Sun 7-8am & 5pm onwards)
Adult Off-peak
1 month membership
Adult Off-peak entitles members to play at off-peak times (Mon-Thu, 8am-5pm, Fri all day and Sat-Sun 7-8am & 5pm onwards). Ideal for people wanting to try out the club and programs. Also, for Pickleball players.
Adult Standard
12 months membership
Standard membership entitles members to play Mon-Thu, 8am-7pm, Fri-Sun all day
Family Standard
12 months membership
Standard membership entitles members to play Mon-Thu, 8am-7pm, Fri-Sun all day. Family memberships are only for Families of 3 or more people and is limited to immediate family (spouse/partner and children). Not available for couples.
Student Standard
12 months membership
Student Standard membership is available to anyone with undergraduate student card under the age of 25. It entitles members to play Mon-Thu, 8am-7pm, Fri-Sun all day.