
Notice of AGM

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The Margaret River Tennis Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Monday, 31st July 2023 at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start at our Club House.

To make it a viable AGM, we are required to have 10% (a quorum) of our members present. This year that means 22 members. Every year we struggle to meet this quorum number. This is your club and you CAN have a say. So we want to hear from you!

You will find the Agenda attached which outlines the order of business.

We encourage our members to come along, enjoy a complimentary drink on arrival and bar snacks, and be directly involved in the voting of your club's 2023/24 Management Committee.  This club is run by its members - it would not exist without YOU!! Please come down and support your Committee and pennant coordinators who support you.

Please RSVP to Kirsty:

Now is also a great time to consider joining the Club's committee.  There are many different ways you can help on the committee so please let us know your expertise or interest, we would love to hear from you prior to the Annual General Meeting.  The time commitment for committee members varies, but we do need committee members who are able to actively assist with the running of the club. Please email us your expressions of interest to

Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM and the new season ahead.