
JTC is open again under strict guidelines

Dear Jerrabomberra Tennis Club (JTC) Members and the broader Community

Good news follows. The club has been receiving questions about when we may open again and is it possible to play social tennis. Changes have recently been made in NSW – as you may be aware our club is based in NSW and we must abide by NSW Health Orders including implementation of a Covid 19 Safety Plan.

The latest Tennis NSW advice sanctions singles play (2 persons), players from one household on one court and fully vaccinated doubles play. The JTC Board has met to further assess the risks and has agreed to trial a reopening of limited services with some access restrictions from Saturday 25 September 2021.

We have agreed to:

  • Open up ‘book a court’ to allow singles, households and fully vaccinated doubles play with doubles play being at least 16 years of age. (the onus of vaccination proof will be on players attending)
  • Three of the six courts will be available with breaks between bookings
  • Players need to agree to the guidelines e.g. not playing while ill or coming from a Covid hotspot etc
  • All players accept that they are playing at their own risk, and it is mandatory to sign in with the NSW QR Code (or the paper sign in sheet)
  • Using a plastic bag (or bring your own glove) and hand sanitiser at the gate keypad – both must be used to enter the facility
  • The Club House - including all toilets - will be off limits.

We seek your assistance to comply with the restrictions and consider the health of others by abiding by the guidelines. The JTC Board will continue to monitor and assess the risks to ensure they are manageable. Depending on the circumstances we may open additional services or temporarily close again. Remember the Club is run by volunteers, please adhere to the guidelines, be respectful to everyone and to each other.  Please take care, stay and play safe, and contact me at should you have any further questions.

Peter Terwee
President JTC

23 September 2021