Benefits of becoming a member:
- Access to WDTA Competition (Waverley & District Tennis Association)
- Discount for Wednesday night social tennis
- Free Court Hire (Additional cost for lights)
- Social events
Club's expectation of members.
- Bag courts after play/session. (Make sure the bagger is the right way up, as shown in the image below)
- Baggers are left flat on the ground near the fence between the courts.
- No rubbish is to be left on the courts. (Use bins provided around the clubhouse)
- No balls are to be left on the courts.
To renew a membership click on your name or the button at the top right of the screen.
Then click your name or the profile button, scroll down, and click renew on the package.
12 months membership
The standard price of $255 includes a joining fee of $30 and a maintenance levy of $20. The standard renewal price of $225 includes a maintenance levy of $20.
Eligibility: This package consists of no more than 2 adults (parents or guardians) and however many children under 18.
12 months membership
The standard price of $105 includes a joining fee of $10. The standard renewal price is $95.
Eligibility: Children under 19 years old.
12 months membership
The standard price of $95 includes a joining fee of $15. The standard renewal price is $80.
Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 65.
12 months membership
The standard price of $155 includes a joining fee of $20 and a maintenance levy of $20. The standard renewal price of $135 includes a maintenance levy of $20.
Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 18.