Upcoming Events

Annual General Meeting

When: Monday, 8th of April, 7:30pm.

Where: Clubhouse.


We have multiple roles to fill, and no experience is required.  Everything you need to know will be explained by our current committee members.  The main position required to be filled is Secretary.  If you’re interested in becoming a committee member or would like to see what happens behind the scenes.  Please join us at 7:30pm on the 8 th of April for our AGM.  Where you can meet the team and hear the latest news.  

Working Bee

When: Sunday, 21st of April, 9:00am to 12:00pm.

Where: Courts & Clubhouse surrounds.


If you are avalible to attend it would be very appreciated if you could do so and help clean up our courts and surrounding area, ready for the winter season to begin.  This will help the presentation of our club and members to visiting clubs.  There will be a free BBQ lunch for everyone who helps out.  There will be no tennis bookings during this time.