
Men's Summer Social Comp - Week 7

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The coolest night of the competition started with an informal ceremony towards our newly appointed president – Oliver Jacques. Players were seen bowing and even kneeling once they realised the president had graced the court for the evening. Although the talk and energy of a new leader wore off quickly, as Oliver sat just under par throughout the night.

There was an all-Italian pairing with Tommy Caragilo and Mauro Ruffolo hitting the court with real confidence, thinking they could ride the coat tails of Jannik Sinner’s dominant display on the ATP Tour but it did not click for the pair as they only managed 1 win from 4 for the night.

Nathan Crowley continued to bubble away with nothing flash and nothing poor as he holds his position on the ladder as equal 5th. His partner Curtis Brown seems to like two things, wearing his Penny Panthers jersey and scoring 13 points which he has achieved for 4 weeks now.

The winning pair for the night was Rob Irvine and replacement Andrew Noad ripped in early with two scores of 7-1. Rob’s smile continued to grow as he knew he was climbing the ladder quickly and ended the night with an impressive 23 games which takes him within one spot of the podium.

The undefeated pair for the night, Lachlan Date and Benard Gray reaped the rewards of Benard’s serving which was a hot topic during the refreshments in the club house.

There are still 5 rounds of play to go but the current podium stands as Tommy Caragilo 118, Brendan Augustus 121 and Lachlan Date 156.

Score Sheet for Round 7