
Men's Summer Social Comp - Week 3

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The rejuvenated ‘Peter Cunial’ tennis comp has just completed its third round. Its been a successful first three weeks with 11 players coming together to form Division 1. It is a singles competition but doubles is always played. Sounds complex I know but its quite simple really:

Each competitor has a different partner each week where they play 4 sets of best of 8, so 32 games in total.

Over the course of the season everyone gets to play with everyone. It makes for a nice natural handicap while ensuring you meet and get to know someone else each Thursday. Each game is recorded and added to a cumulative total. Most games come end of season (11 weeks) is the winner. Players also have the opportunity to enjoy a bye week and can call in a reserve if absent for a particular week.  

Its been a great mash up of ages and nationalities, with help from the reserves, but the competition is fierce. Currently 2nd-9th is sitting at a split of only five games, 2nd being on 49 and 9th on 44. Between the Chileans, Argentinians, and the Italians it has a great social aspect with a range of stories being shared off the court. We look forward to Round 4 where I’m sure a few players will look to improve on their ranking as they start to hit their straps.  

The competition runs weekly on a Thursday night with play starting at 7pm sharp. We welcome additional players to the reserve list as well as the waiting list for next season.

Please contact the Griffith Tennis Club with your name and mobile number for more information: