
Men's Summer Social Comp - Week 5

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We are nearly at the halfway point of the Summer Thursday Night Men’s Tennis Competition.

The players welcomed the slight breeze and cooler temperatures, it was particularly enjoyed by Blake Rayworth and Brendan Augustus who managed a huge 27 games winning their sets convincingly. Blake has become the up-and-comer as he has managed to go from 10th position to 3rd, people are whispering in corners that he may be playing his best tennis ever.

Mauro Ruffolo and Kurtis Brown teamed up and ripped in early with a 6-2 win but fell apart and dawdled home with 11 to be 5 under par. Oliver Jacques and Benard Grey had an up-and-down night winning two and losing two and ended up on 13 games. Moving into this round in a clear 2nd place Rob Irvine partnered with Campbell Jeremy where they had a fall from grace only registering 7 games – ouch! The lowest score posted for anyone all competition. Unfortunately, Rob has now slipped to 6th and will be looking to make amends next week.

Nathan Crowley posted well above average with 22 games and now sits within eyesight of the podium, he partnered with Lachlan Date who has had a target on his back as he has been leading the competition since week 1. Although they played well Lachlan grabbed his first loss of the season losing 6-2 to Brendan and Blake who were just too hot. He still holds on to a decent lead but there are still 6 rounds to play.

The competition runs weekly on a Thursday night with play starting at 7 pm sharp. We welcome additional players to the reserve list and the waiting list for next season. Please get in touch with the Griffith Tennis Club with your name and mobile number for more information: