
Men's Autumn Social Comp - Week 3

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The new season has brought some changes with not only with players but its playing surface. We have moved to the clay courts in preparation for the up and coming Griffith MIA Open.

We have also welcomed 5 players to the rejuvenated comp with 3 of them hitting their straps early to claim the top three spots on the ladder.

Two of the leaders Danny Dossestor and Greg Lynch teamed up in round 2 to claim a staggering 29 games and third place Andrew Noad has posted two strong scores of 21 and 20 before his reserve claimed the average 16 games. The Summer Comp Winner Lachlan Date sits in 4th with an up and down start of 20, 13 and 16 (bye).

The next 5 positions are split by only 5 games so it will be interesting to see who can cement their spots in the coming weeks. Next week the team to be beat will be Danny Dossestor and Andrew Noad as they currently occupy the podium, but both were missing last week so a slow start might be on the cards – who knows?

The competition runs weekly on a Thursday night with play starting at 7 pm sharp. We welcome additional players to the reserve list and the waiting list for next season. Please get in touch with the Griffith Tennis Club with your name and mobile number for more information:

Scoresheet for Round 3 of Mens Autumn Social Tennis Comp